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Introduction to Gundrilling

Gundrilling makes it possible to produce close tolerance holes in cast iron, carbon and alloy steel (including stainless steel), tool steel, high temperature alloys, titanium, beryllium, copper, brass, and aluminum, as well as graphite, wood and plastic. It offers size location and straightness accuracy where critical tolerances are important in on operation at low cost, often eliminating one or more secondary operations, Gundrilling offers the capability of burr-free holes and bottom forming of blind holes, as well as entry into surfaces other than 90 degrees.

An important fact about gundrilling is that it is a highly repeatable process. A rigid machine, a properly designed fixture and a good quality drill will deliver consistent performance throughout a production run. Once the conditions are established such as spindle speed, feed rate, and coolant pressure, gundrilling becomes a "push button" process independent of operator skill. The only interruption in production should be for tool changing.

Gundrilling is now widely used for short batch job shop work as well as high production setups. Applications range from the single hole component to those with many hundreds of holes.

The main components in a gundrilling system are the drill, gundrill sharpening fixture, gundrill guide bushing, Gizmo whip guide, drilling machine, coolant supply and fixturing. Each one plays a vital role in producing good results.

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