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Hyper Tool Gundrills...

Gundrill Retipping & Reconditioning

Gundrills Eligible for Reconditioning..

Because we inventory finish-ground gundrill tips in all standard (and many non-standard) sizes, we are able to turn retips around quickly. Besides the obvious benefit of recycling our resources, significant savings can also be achieved. All drills are completely reconditioned and are guaranteed to meet or exceed the performance of the drills when they were new.

Many of our customers designate a single place where all their used gundrills are kept. Monthly, or whenever appropriate, the batch is shipped to Hyper for inspection and evaluation.

Upon receipt and inspection of the drills, we will fax back to the customer a written list showing our recommendations for each drill and the cost to recondition it. The customer then has the option of proceeding with some, all, or none of the tools. All without obligation.

By the way, we don't care who made the drills originally...


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